Moment of HOPE Monday
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5 Growing HOPE Tips Focus Help from Mentors

Listen to the #GrowingHOPE podcast.
Ponder the Quote of the Day.

MAP IT OUT – Week 5 – Team

Monday – Mentors

I will have to be ready, willing, and able to receive if I am going to grow up in my journey with the help of a mentor relationship. They can give all day, but I have to position myself to be open to accepting all that they freely give.

[tweetthis] Even the Greatest Teacher ever known couldn’t get some people to hear His words.


Investing in a Mentor Relationship

I will get from a mentor relationship no more than I am willing to put in. Even the Greatest Teacher ever known couldn’t get some people to hear His words.

    MAP IT OUT - Team - Mentors

  1. I have to make the time to spend with the mentor.
  2. I have to ask questions.
  3. I have to LISTEN.

  4. I have to implement the wisdom in purpose and on purpose.
  5. I have to enjoy the experience.

Mentors are the people I encounter in my life that walk along beside me for a moment or a season. I learn. I share. I grow. I gain so much when I invest in the mentor relationships.

[tweetthis] I have to make the CHOICE to make the most of a mentor relationship to gain the most from the experience.

When it comes to learning and growing and being all that I can be, I have to make the choice to walk with other and learn from them, with them, and even by them. Mentors are a relationship – and everything worth doing is founded in relationships.

Quote of the Day to Inspire and Encourage

Quote of the Day - Language of friendship

β€œThe language of friendship is not words, but meanings. It is an intelligence above language.” – unknown

We are not designed to be in this journey alone. We are designed to be in relationships and we are stronger when we invest in relationships.

Growing up relationships and building friendships that create a difference and develop possibilities requires seeing beyond what is right in front of us. It is about connecting with the heart by revealing the heart.

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