#GrowingHOPE Podcast - Thursday

Being Too Busy for God with Growing HOPE

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Growing HOPE – Too Busy for God

with Special Guest Robin Luftig

Every time I think about being in a hurry, I think about the Alabama song, “I’m in a Hurry.”

I rush around going and doing. At the end of the day, I am nowhere close to where I wanted to be and sometimes even further behind.

Robin Luftig chatted with me about her own experiences with being too busy for God for the #GrowingHOPE broadcast. She shared how sometimes she caught herself doing and in her doing ignoring God.

Are you too busy for God?

Sometimes you just get full of yourself and think that you know the better way.

Slowing down doesn’t have to mean that we aren’t moving forward. It is just taking time to hear God and to listen to His direction.

Being too busy for God with Growing HOPE

God loves you – but sometimes we all need reminding that God loves and we even need permission where we are right now to dwell in that Love.

Jesus came to heal the broken, the sick, the displaced – and no matter where you are in your walk right I bet there are moments when you have felt like one of those (sometimes all of those at the same time).

Don’t let business get in the way of what God has in store for you.

Connect with Robin Luftig

Facebook: Robin Luftig, Speaker & Author
Twitter: @robinluftig
Pinterest: Robin Luftig
Instagram: Robin Luftig
website/blog: https://robinluftig.com

Did you miss the first half of my chat with Robin? Catch up and learned how sometimes you can be chased down by God.


Make time for God and make time with God a priority. The goal is a tithe of time – which comes out to 2 hours and forty minutes.

Be sure to share in the comments how you are taking on this challenge.

Need more inspiration for you day?


Listen to the podcast by clicking below

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  • Thanks for this salient reminder. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately by my job, blogging, etc. I decided to reduce my blogging frequency and social media engagement to enable me have quality time with God and refresh myself. Lower stats is a small price to pay for recovering my feeling of connectedness to God and being more at peace and in control.

    • Edith – I understand what you are saying. I would say . . . been there, done that 🙂 I would also like to add that when you put God first the rest finds its way into the right place as well.

      Be blessed,
