Tuesday header 1


I’m having a do-over day.

For the last two weeks, my husband has been busy with work and hasn’t been around very much. I’ve pushed myself to get everything done, even without the added help. After two weeks, I’m beginning to see just how much I need my husband around. If for no other reason than I can have a little peace while I take my bath.


This morning I woke up with so many backdated things on my to-do list that I just decided to throw it away and start over. I’m giving myself a do-over (remember when you messed up in elementary school playing a game and you got a chance to do it again). I refuse to feel guilty for the list that is screaming at me from the garbage. Instead, I choose to focus on all the things that I will accomplish today – since I’m free of the burden of yesterday.

You get a do-over every day.

I think that’s kind of what Paul was saying to us when he said not to look back. It seems to me that the more I focus on what I didn’t do yesterday the less I manage to do today.

I’ll be back on my schedule starting first thing tomorrow morning. Today, I’m doing the things that I need, want, and desire to do and just not worrying about the rest of it. Who knows, the kids and I may just have a picnic for lunch and a hotdog roast for dinner so that I don’t have to worry about the condition of the kitchen.

To paraphrase a famous philosopher (for kids at least), “today will be a glorious day.”

Every morning you can embrace the do-over and make the most of your next step.

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