Leaping in Faith not Feelings – Growing HOPE Radio – August 25 2014

I keep thinking about a meme going around Facebook: β€œNot my circus. Not my monkeys.” I have to remind myself that just because something needs to get fixed does NOT mean I am the one christened to fix it. I have to let those things go that are not within my design – my purpose – my place. It is not always easy, but it will make a difference.

There are vast differences between jumping in faith and jumping with feelings. The tag going around Facebook reminds me to not jump in feelings. But to be in a position to jump in faith I have to be willing to invest in the wisdom and knowledge that will point me in the right direction.

Are you jumping in faith – or jumping in feelings?

Be blessed,

Karen Newsum
β€œLife is a song that can be written in any genre, with a heartbeat of its own. The words come as you perceive it.”

Practical Proverbs
Life comes at you hard – and too often from all different directions at once. May the stories and mishaps from my own life help you to begin to discover eight of the traits offered by Proverbs.

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