#GrowingHOPE Podcast - Friday

Love Life – Five – Dismiss Distress

#GrowingHOPE Podcast

Listen to today’s broadcast by clicking the play button at the bottom of the page

Distress holds me down, crushes my heart, and keeps me from seeing any break in the clouds. I will have to be active in defeating distress if I am going to find my way to loving life.

Dismiss the Distress from Holding You Back

    1. Take action – do something. When I do something – especially when I do something for someone else – then I avoid dwelling on what I can’t do and also avoid getting tangled in the what ifs.

    2. Take a moment – a few deep breaths, a good cry, or even a loud scream can do wonders for clearing the head and regaining focus.

    3. Accept the limits – because there will be limits and accepting them makes it possible for me to invest in the things that I can do.

    4. Enlist others – ask for help or support where you need it most and where you know you can’t do on your own.

    5. Choose to deal instead of to dwell – because dwelling on the things that can’t be changed or can’t be fixed instead of looking for things that can be done is a sure fire method for dragging distress into the moment.

It is up to me to dismiss distress. It is best to guard against it from the beginning so that it never takes hold, but once I do recognize it is there then I need to take action to break free.

Get more simple ideas for pursuing your why – download your free PDF of the eBook Love Life

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Download and listen to the podcast – Love Life – 5 – Dismiss Distress

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