31 Day Challenge – Day Two and Struggling Already
Sunday is tough for my schedule. There is already so much packed into the day that it seems impossible to get even simple things done. My logical side tells me that it would just be easier to call Sunday a timeout. But that goes back to the excuse trail and I’m determined NOT to go down that one.
It is important for me to keep reminding myself that there will ALWAYS be obstacles or excuses or reasons or whatever you want to label those things that get in the way. My only hope is to put my head down and push on through despite those obstacles.
The items on my list are getting checked off today despite the fact that I got up late, had company over for lunch AND that my husband had to go to a meeting. I have simply taken one step at a time and crossed off one item at a time. And it is by that “a little at a time” that I am getting things done.
My hope is that this 31 day challenge is a lot like a fast where the first day or two is tough but then you seem to settle into a rhythm. It is important to me that I reach the end of these 31 days with all of my 14 items in check! This time around it is not the outcome that I am aiming for but the consistency.
Are you struggling to make changes in you life? What steps are you taking to push you on to overcome those struggles? Change is not easy for most people even when that change is good for the mind, the body and the soul. Let us lift each other up so that we can cross that finish line together. Today is the day that begins your consistent walk in the blessed life.
Hi Kathy,
I can soooooo relate. I pray that that God give you the strength to get though this day, and that you accomplish all that He wants and guides you to do.
Sipping my cup of coffe first thing Sunday morning, I prayed that God would direct my actions for the day. There was so much to do – church, job and home projects, and I was overwhelmed and indecisive. It turns out that we (me & the LORD) finished up the spring cleaning (by the end of summer!) The garage got cleaned out, and the porch emptied, thoroughly cleaned top to bottom, windows chaulked and cleaned, garden picked, fixing weekwacker, etc. 14 hours later I marvled at how much we accomplished, through hard work and prayer. When I tackled a job I’d never done before (chaulk, repair weedwacker) I just prayed for God to guide me through it and He did! It felt so good to put my day into the LORD’s hands and follow His will, and I actually reaped rewards!
I guess the moral of the story is, when you feel overwhelmed, it may be time to step back and put your day in the LORDs’ hands – although it may not be what you planned, you will accomplish much in the LORD.
Love ya girl,
Hey Helen – thanks for the support. I know that God is doing something amazing in my life and it will be interesting to stand at the other side of the 31 days to see just what it is!
Hi Kathryn,
I’ve been trying to better myself by tracking exactly what I am doing so I can see where I can improve. Like tracking calories in and calories out, tracking how much time I spend on projects and also tracking where and how I make and spend my money. So my commitment this month and next is to track what the heck I’m doing so I can create action plans!
That’s a great plan. We write out everything that we spend in a ledger (including the amount I have budgeted for the month at the top of the ledger). At the end of the month we can see where we need to cut (or expand the budget). The biggest benefit is that writing down what we spend makes us think twice before we spend it.