A Prayer about Barack Obama
It was easy to sleep last night and I even went to bed early. My normal routine for elections is to stay up until the wee hours of morning to see what will be facing me for the next four years. This year I didn’t need to do that. My peace about the whole process is so perfect that I STILL don’t know who won the election.
I have a plaque that hung at my desk (where ever my desk might be) for many years. It was a little swallow on a branch: “I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow.” It is with that knowledge that I went to sleep last night.
The outcome of the election was something that was not easy to miss this morning. I knew it would be there when any of my electronics turned on. Although it was not the results that I voted for, there is still hope for tomorrow. There is always hope.
It is time for me to make a change – not so much in the way THINGS are but in the way my heart is. I need to pour my positive thoughts and prayers over this country. One person can make a difference and I intend to be that person. Join me in this new direction and together we can heal this nation.
My Prayer for Barack Obama and the Congress:
Lord, thank you so much for all that you have blessed me with. This is an amazing country with some of the greatest opportunities in the world. I thank you for the people of this country that come together to build what others only dare to dream.
Lord, thank you for the wisdom and strength that you have poured over Barack Obama. Continue to give him Your Peace in ways that he has never before experienced. Let the full blessings of your Grace come to him and his family and all that are around him.
Lord, thank you for the men and women that are willing to walk away from their ordinary lives to serve in congress. Continue to give them the knowledge and understanding that they need to make the decisions to push these United States into a glorious future.
Paul warned repeatedly through out scripture that the time is now. The time is now for me to get serious about the prayers for my country and my leaders. It’s not those people that have messed up, but I am the one that has dropped the ball. There has to be time in each and every day for me to hold up the government in prayer and thanksgiving.
Lord, please forgive me and my lack of support for the people that you have placed in these offices. The ways of the Lord confound the wise and I have thought myself wise for far too long. Forgive my arrogance and give me the words and consistency to humbly pray for Your servants.