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Attitude Shifts from Mad World to Shining Hope

Attitude shifts determine the direction of your journey. You can shift your attitude to the direction of the world – the mad, often chaotic, sometimes ridiculous, and mostly not the way you want to go world – OR you can shift your attitude in a direction that embraces hope and possibilities.

quote - attitude shifts

Inspiration and Hope

March 31, 2020

Daily Dash of Twisted Encouragement

Attitude Shifts

It’s a mad, mad, mad world out there. Half of the people live like nothing has changed. They go about their normal day wondering why everyone else isn’t going about a normal day. The other half of the people live like nothing will ever be the same.

I sat down this morning and wrote those words. My morning begins with the Word and quiet meditation. Today is a review day of all the Scripture I have been reading the last month. For some reason, I skipped the review and dove headfirst into the mad world.

It wasn’t the best choice I’ve made this year.

Well into my second cup of coffee, I made a switch. I closed the world out and opened the Word.

By patience, you possess your souls.
When God sends you then you will lack nothing.
God’s promises are ALWAYS fulfilled.
God is always with me.
It’s not me. It’s God.
Persistent believing wins out.
God’s power is at work in (and through) me.

These were some of the phrases and thoughts I have been pouring out into the Bible Study journal each day this month. The words reminded me that no matter how crazy things seem right now, things have always been crazy!

The world has always been mad.
Nothing will ever be the same.
Everything is a normal day.

The difference between yesterday and today is not the circumstances around me. The difference is me. How I choose to see today will determine how the day will go.

It doesn’t make sense and the best part is that it doesn’t have to make sense. It just is.

If you determine to have an attitude of hope and possibility then you will find hope and possibility in your day.

Will you be determined enough to see past the mad world and find the hope and possibilities?

Attitude Shifts from Mad to Hope

Accept that the world is not working towards calm and it helps you understand that the madness and craziness are actually the normal of the world.

  • What can you control – even in a small way? Defining the things you have an influence on helps you recognize the things you don’t have any control over.
  • Let the rest go. Stop meditating on the things you can’t control because all you are doing is wasting the energy and resources you could be investing on things you can affect.
  • Where does hope lie? Make a list of the things that bring you hope or that grow up hope for you. Let these be the focus for the beginning of your day and the meditation you find before you go to sleep at night.

Change your attitude and you will change your world. Move your focus away from the madness and turn your attention to hope. Attitude shifts offer the real change we need.

How will you shift your attitude?

Encouragement Shifts Attitudes

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Challenge for Intentional Actions

daily challenge - attitude shifts

Attitude Shifts

Know what you control.
Let the rest go.
Find where hope lies for you.

You choose. The world is mad and the world will remain mad. You have to choose to find your way to hope if you are going to create the attitude shifts that allow for living out possibilities.

Quote of the Day

β€œPractice focused flexibility. Be focused on the goal or outcome but flexible in the execution.” – Kathryn Lang

Detours happen. Sometimes the road is blocked for a moment or the road collapse and you have to find your way around. Focused flexibility is an attitude shift that keeps your eye on the prize while allowing you to adjust the agenda or modify the course.

How will you pivot on your path?

#QuoteoftheDay - focused flexibility

What Others Say

quote - cora L V hatch - adjust the sails

Scripture Focus

Today’s Readings:

Review all your notes from the last month.

Scripture Focus - John 14:27

Scripture Focus:

β€œLet not your heart be troubled. Neither let your heart be afraid.” – John 14:27

Ponder Point:

Keep saying it until you believe it. God’s got this.

Share Moment:

What fear or trouble threatens your focus?

Study Question

Dig in deeper to the Word to grow a closer relationship with the Word.

You have to keep the promises of God in your heart and mind to keep your focus on His promises for your life.

What are you doing to keep your heart and mind focused on what God has promised for your life?

Bible Study Question - god focus

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quote - close the world

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