It Should Be SIMPLE

The things we do should be simple, but we invest a lot of time and energy making them complicated. We procrastinate to the point the little simple thing has compounded with more little simple things. Or we point fingers at others waiting for them to get something done so we feel like doing something. It…

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Faith to Keep Trying

Do you have the faith to keep trying? Even when things aren’t going your way or even when you’ve fallen off the horse a dozen times, will you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again? #QuoteoftheDay Focus on faithto find the strengthto push throughto possibilities. – Kathryn Lang I learned to…

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Balancing Relationship Differences

Relationship differences can make the journey more enjoyable, or sink the ship. It all comes down to balance. You have to find a way to balance the differences through recognition, acceptance, appreciation, and love . . .true love. #QuoteoftheDay Authenticity exposes your heartso you are positionedto touch a heart.– Kathryn Lang The Trouble with Differences…

Seed of Hope

Planting a seed of hope happens when we make intentional investments in hope, for hope, and through hope. In other words, hope grows hop. If I want to harvest hope, I need to be actively planting hope in my life and in the lives of those around me. AND I need to be seeking out…

All Out Of Love

Do it all out of love. What if everything we did grew up from those kinds of roots? Put God first. Put others second. Go all in with the type of focus that ignites our passion points third. #QuoteoftheDay Without Lovenothing else matters.– Kathryn Lang My dad use to take us on weekend adventures. It…