Scattering Seeds of Hope
Scattering Seeds of Hope
We need to be scattering seeds of hope around the world because words matter, and this world is filled with words that crush the heart and darken the spirit. Sharing little bits of hope with a dash of twisted encouragement to keep things interesting makes things better. Kathryn Lang (that’s me) is a snarky rainbow lifting up, cheering up, and stirring up because if you aren’t enjoying the journey, it’s time to change rides.
Why Growing Hope?
People often ask me what I do, and my first response is hope. I share hope through the words I write and the words I speak. Hope is an element of everything I do, or at least I try to make hope a part of it all. I’ve learned from my journey that a seed of hope, no matter how small, makes room for everything to become possible.
Finding Words of Hope
Over the years, I’ve shared my unique recipe for hope online, on radio, and on television. As the world has changed, so have the opportunities to share.
#GrowingHOPE Podcast
How to Listen:
20 Min Podcast
Watch Kathryn Lang on YouTube
Help with Scattering Seeds of Hope
Growing Hope started from a heart to touch other hearts. Whenever someone talks about the negatives crowding them out, there is a need for more hope to shine through.
You help shine the hope. Every dollar seeding into Growing Hope and Kathryn Lang helps to make it possible to share more words of hope, encouragement, and dream living. Not only does it help to seed with your finances, but every time you share a little bit of Kathryn Lang or Growing Hope, you pour fuel on the ability to share more.
Thank you for all you do to help with Growing Hope!