ten reasons to be thankful
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Top 10 Motivational Quotes to Keep You Encouraged

Keeping a list of motivational quotes can be vital to filling up a fuel tank with encouragement. A life encouraged walks boldly into purpose despite the circumstances or the storms. But the circumstances and the storms are constantly at work to drain the encouragement and stall the purpose. Growing up a life in courage (one…

Gratitude Friday 5

Running Over My Joy – A Moment of HOPE – August 22 2014

”Someone ran over my joy.” I pointed to one of my garden signs as we drove down the driveway, but realized there was so much more to the words than I had just expressed. Friday night offered a wonderful break with dinner at Cocina Superior with some amazing folks from around Alabama and around the…

thank you

Thank You Notes Teach More Than Thankfulness

Thank you notes are practical ways to teach gratitude and thankfulness. How do you teach a four-year-old to be grateful? My grandmother had always impressed on me the importance of thanking people in writing, but four years olds are not exactly known for their penmanship or spelling. Still, I wanted the children to give something…