Wednesday - header 2

Something Changes When You Take the Steps for Change

Nothing changes until something changes, right? And yet, nothing changes, and I still sit here expecting something to change. The same ole same ole won’t cut it if I don’t want the same ole same ole anymore. Early in October, I spoke to the Houston Writers Guild. My only surviving work device had been giving…

Create an Attitude of Possibility to Get through the Storms

Create an Attitude of Possibility to Get through the Storms

An attitude of possibility creates a way to move forward even when you are going through a storm. You will find what you are looking for and when you look for possibility then you will find that all things become possible. Inspiration and Hope May 11, 2020 Daily Dash of Twisted Encouragement Attitude of Possibility…

Tuesday header 1

Attitude Shifts from Mad World to Shining Hope

Attitude shifts determine the direction of your journey. You can shift your attitude to the direction of the world – the mad, often chaotic, sometimes ridiculous, and mostly not the way you want to go world – OR you can shift your attitude in a direction that embraces hope and possibilities. Inspiration and Hope March…