Growing HOPE Podcast Wednesday

Negative Myths About Meditation

Have you heard myths about meditation or negative declarations about the practice of meditating? Today on the #GrowingHOPE podcast we talked over five of the myths that surround meditating and the truths and untruths that go along with those myths. 5 Myths about Meditation Meditation empties your brain. Meditation causes you to focus on yourself….

#GrowingHOPE Tuesday

The Power of Meditation for DEstressing

Harnessing the power of meditation in your life will allow you to live in peace, have more clarity of purpose, and sleep sweet. And that’s only the beginning of the force behind positively based meditation. Meditation stops things from spinning out of control. It draws your thoughts into one place. Meditation allows you to stay…

#GrowingHOPE Podcast - Monday

Understanding Meditation to Help DEstress Our Lives

Understanding meditation allows us to create a path for developing focus and awareness for living our unique design. Meditation is defined as simply focused attention and awareness Negative meditation = worry Positive meditation = hope Know why meditation matters – health, focus, awareness of self, and attention span Meditation in Scripture – Philippians 4:8; Psalm1:2;…

#GrowingHOPE Podcast - Monday

Health Benefits of Laughing Matters to DEstress

Laughing matters because it heals the body, the mind, the spirit, and the relationships. It’s a powerful tool that clears away the darkness and turns the problems on their heads. Health Benefits of Laughing Matters Enhances oxygen intake Burns calories (WIN!) Releases endorphins (different from endolphins) Boosts the immune system Relaxes the body If you…