Consistency Challenge – Day Seven or Growing Up Proverbs 31 Life
The Proverbs 31 Life website has hit its five year mark. In that time, it has seen a number of different themes, but the mission behind the blog has remained the same. Proverbs 31 Life is about sharing the hope and courage it takes to live out the Proverbs life. It utilizes the Proverbs, personal experiences and even current events to express how it is possible.
Proverbs 31 Life has come a long way since that first post back in 2008, but it still has so much potential. The #bloglikecrazy challenge has been the encouragement needed to push the blog to that next level.
The Future of Proverbs 31 Life
– More interaction. Proverbs 31 Life was always meant to be a community but too many times it feels more like a billboard. How do you think we can make a change?
– More consistency. #Bloglikecrazy was the perfect reminder that consistent, quality posts are possible. How often would you like to see posts?
– More variety. Words are not always the problem. There are a lot of them rolling around my brain, and guests offer to write posts as well. Adding videos, podcasts, and images should make the site more interesting. Is there a topic that you feel needs to be covered?
– More giveaways – because who doesn’t like a good giveaway. Would you like your product or service to be featured?
– More social media sharing. Be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter so that we can have more ways to connect. Which social media do you use the most?
Everything in life worth doing begins with that foundation of relationships. It is important that Proverbs 31 Life cement that foundation today and for all the days to come. Will you help?