4 - Tip Tuesday

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  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really enjoyed your tips above. Homeschooling three boys? Wow! You are the super mom! My wife home schooled our oldest daughter for nearly her first two years of school. I know that is a challenging task, just from observation. But we got pregnant with our third and the sickness kicked in so we decided that private school was a better option.

    Anyway… where was I? Oh this is a blogging project… that’s right, stay on task. I think my biggest downfall is in number one and number five. I actually went to Wally World and bought myself a dry erase board for my home office today πŸ™‚ and will be actively fixing the problem.

    Keep up the good work! Always good to see fellow Christians out there blogging.

  2. You are so right about not leaving a room until you are finished! I work at home, and I can tell you that you shouldn’t leave your home office until your project is finished. As soon as you leave that office, the laundry, the dishes, and everything else start to beckon. It’s easy to get sidetracked. I don’t know how you do it all, even with these excellent tips. My hat is off to you!

  3. For the record – I don’t do it all. That’s why I said you have to learn to let it go. As a get more active in my writing career – and now that spring has FINALLY sprung and I can start doing the gardening thing – I’ve actually asked someone to come by once a week to help around the house.

    Next investment will be a laptop – so I can work even when I’m waiting (at the doctor’s office, at the repair shop, at ball practice, etc).

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