Find Glee in Others Pain
It may be wrong to laugh at someone else’s misery, but some times it feels so good. I’m not talking anything serious – just those annoying miseries that we often face. It’s satisfying to see someone deal with something they refused to help or support you through. When it comes back to bite them, it’s hard not to have some satisfaction.
This happened to me today. I had been a part of a club where one woman always yelled at me if I spoke up during a meeting. There were times when she was down right mean to me (and at one point even mean to my kids). No one called her down. None of the officers said a word or did a thing. I left. Now, she’s run off about 2/3’s of the club and they can’t even get people to take the officer positions.  Try as I might, I couldn’t stop giggling. Listening to some of the members complain about the situation they were up against was almost satisfying. I wanted to say “what goes around comes around,†but I do think I managed at least one “I’m sorry†instead.
Four years I put up with being treated wrong thinking that it had to get better –eventually. It got better when I joined a different club, for me and my family anyway.
This reaction is still wrong. I shouldn’t find glee in others problems no matter how small those problems (or deserving for that matter). I should offer up support and compassion. That is the right thing to do.
Today, though, I was NOT right. And I’m still smiling!