
Give it Away to Build Your Blog

This month marks my first attempt at giveaways. I am giving away a platform book on this blog (I hope you have left your comment – time is running out), a motivational book at Proverbs 31 Living and also tickets to A Woman Inspired: Nurturing Creativity at the same site.

The idea is that more people will comment and more people will share links to the site when you offer something for nothing. People like getting things for free even if they do not actually need or want those items. Getting free stuff is cool. Winning free stuff is even better.

What can you give away to help build the community on your blog?

    1. A gift basket to your favorite online store. Work something out with that store owner so that the visitors go to their website and then comment on your site about the product that they liked the most. Both sites get the benefit of the traffic.

    2. Books about your niche – books are great giveaways. They are easy to ship and not very expensive. Buy a couple extra copies of books that you have really enjoyed and then give those away on your blog.

    3. Consulting services – maybe your blog is about something that others are just learning. Offer you services to help them get moving in the right direction. A free critique, scheduling help and even organization tips can be great incentives for visitors to participate in your giveaway.

    4. E-books and other e-products – you can write your own or have someone write them for you and then offer them as prizes on your website or as bonuses for signing up for your newsletter.

The only limit to the types of giveaways that you can have is your imagination (and maybe your budget). Start small and work your way up. You may discover that in time companies and individuals will begin contacting you to offer you items for your future giveaways.

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