Quote of the Day - Friday
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How to Hold Tight to Hope with Growing HOPE Daily and the Quote of the Day

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Daily Inspiration and Encouragement

Friday, December 6, 2019

Quote of the Day

β€œThe moment you allow the stuff of life to take the wheel is the moment your day runs into the ditch.” – Kathryn Lang

#QuoteoftheDay for December 6, 2019 - Willing to Look for Hope

Moment of HOPE

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Hope allows you to believe even when the world demands you denounce.
Hope helps you keep going even when the world determines you should stop.
Hope makes a way when the world tells you there is no way.

If you want to live your unique design and grow up your heartseed to all of your possibilities then you need to be invested in hope.

Join me over at SnarkyRainbows.com for daily inspiration and encouragement.

Challenge for Intentional Actions

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Find Your Hope

Today’s challenge is about holding tight to hope.

Find Your Hope

1. Make a list of the things that have given you hope in the past.
2. Look for places where these moments can be replicated.
3. Invest in relationships with others that hold tight to hope.

Hope makes it all possible, when you have hope and hold tight to the hope you have.

Daily Challenge for December 6, 2019 - find your hope

Scripture Focus

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Today’s Readings:

Acts 6
1 Corinthians 1 – 3
Hebrews 11 – 13
Matthew 16 – 18

Scripture Focus:

β€œThis kind of mountain-moving Faith does not go out (or come about) except by consistent prayer and fasting.” – from Matthew 17:21

Ponder Point:

You grow up and reflect back the things that you are most invested in. If you want mountain moving Faith then be consistently invested in growing up Faith.

Share Moment:

What are some ways you can grow up Faith?

Scripture Focus - Matthew 17:21

Join us over at the Practical Proverbs Facebook page for daily Scripture prompts and thoughts.

Place in Purpose

You are designed on purpose and for a purpose. Place in Purpose walks you through the questions that will help you plot your path to unlocking your heartseed.

Order your copy today.

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Today’s Growing HOPE broadcast

Growing HOPE Daily header - 65 - Hold Tight to Hope

65 – Hold Tight to Hope

Actively be looking for hope and practice recognizing even the smallest flicker of hope. Plant your own seeds of hope.

#GrowingHOPE daily - 5 points - hold tight to hope

The more ways you find to invest in hope the more you will find that hope makes a way.

  • First, you strengthen your ability to hold tight to hope when you lock on to the promises. As you read through the Word, you’ll discover there are many promises that God offers you to remind you that you will not be in this journey alone – from His promise that He will never leave you or forsake you to the promise that He will send a comforter.
  • Second, you strengthen your ability to hold tight to hope when you make the choice to settle in peace – peace that engulfs you even in the midst of the storm.
  • Third, you strengthen your ability to hold tight to hope when you recognize the prosperity of your position. You are an adopted son or daughter of the One that literally created everything. He has all and He has determined to bless you with exceedingly, abundantly above all you can think or imagine – not for your benefit, but to be a blessing and benefit through you to the world that doesn’t yet know Him.
  • Fourth, you strengthen your ability to hold tight to hope when you understand this is a partnership not a solopreneurship. You are not in this alone and you were never called to do it alone.
  • And finally, you strengthen your ability to hold tight to hope when you embrace the understanding that your way is personal to you. How you find hope and how you hold on to hope is unique to you because you are unique.

Hope provides the light in the dark moments of our lives, and it doesn’t take very much light to break up the dark.

Growing HOPE daily quote - more ways to find hope

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Proverbs quote - lift of Faith


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