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  1. “Focus defeats distraction. Focus creates purpose clarity” I love that! Thanks for sharing this truth, I like the fact that you shared a practical example, honestly we all have that unnecessary thing we need to stop that eats into out time! Very insightful

    1. Thank you for stopping by. What’s most interesting is that I don’t even miss the games anymore. I am more present when I’m doing something and if it’s not interesting enough to be present then I go do something else. πŸ™‚

      I hope you’ll consider signing up to receive the HopeBoost email each week.

  2. “Focus defeats distraction. Focus creates purpose clarity” I love that! Thanks for sharing a practical example. We all have that unnecessary thing we do that eats into our time, we need to stop. Very insightful post.

  3. Without focus, we lose focus. Targets work best for me and I do not give room for postponement. I compete against myself and at the end of it, I dance myself silly for having won. It feels good when I look back and realize I didn’t waste time. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

    1. I love that you compete against yourself that way. I’m a huge fan of challenges – how fast can I get the dishes washed (and set a timer to see if it happens). And dancing makes everything better.

      Thank you so much for stopping by today. If you haven’t already signed up to get the daily post sent to your email, just fill out the request in the right top corner. Or, if you prefer fewer emails, you can sign up for the weeklyish newsletter at πŸ™‚

      Have a blessed day!

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