I am Perfect
My pastor made the mistake of asking who in the room was perfect and I was quick to raise my hand. “In the blood of Jesus, I am perfect.” He wasn’t impressed (and used me as a reference for many months to come) and he really didn’t get where I was coming from.
Over 2000 years ago, one man loved me so much that he took all of my sins on him and received my punishment for me. Wow! It’d be like someone taking responsibility for my speeding tickets BEFORE I even got my driver’s license.
If I’m without sin, does that mean I’m perfect? The answer is yes . . .and no.
Every evening, I take some time to talk with God about what I did that day that I shouldn’t have done and also what I didn’t do that I should have. I confess, and I promise that the morning will bring something better.
Every morning I awaken in a perfect state. Sometimes this lasts all the way until the rest of the house gets up. Sometimes, I hit the snooze button and go back to sleep – letting perfect slip past my grasp even before my eyes are open and grabbing hold of selfishness instead. These are the days that the “I’s” will have it!
There are also those rare days that perfect persists throughout most of the day (I don’t think I’ve made it all the way through from getting up to going to bed yet – but I’ll be running ads in the paper when I do).I get up, have time for study and prayer, get the husband off to work (complete with fresh coffee, breakfast, and lunch), get the kids fed and kitchen cleaned up, get my work done, get school done, have time to play, write notes to friends, and basically do every thing I’ve ever put down on my to do list. The only time this ever happens is when I choose not to think of what “I” want and look instead to the things God wants for me.
Perfect – completeness – a state where I am completely focused on doing God’s will in my life, and the “I’s” have been vetoed.
Is perfect something that we can obtain on earth? Without a doubt it is.