Keep Going to Find Writing Success


The going often gets tough along the way, but the only way to climb out of the tough parts into success is to keep going. Giving up can not be an option. Push through even if it’s just a little bit at a time. All it takes is one small hole in the dam for you to break through to your success.

The first query that I sent in was like my child. I had cared for it and nurtured it and I had done it all on my own. It was an object of pride for me and I had lifted it to such an elevation that I was certain I would be overwhelmed with requests to write all because of this one query. It was rejected and it felt like I had been rejected as well. Two weeks later I was at my first writer’s conference still recovering from the wounds that rejection had left.

I came home from that conference healed and more determined to push my way to writing success. I re-wrote that query and submitted to the exact same magazine. It was only a few weeks before they asked to see the manuscript. I didn’t sell the manuscript, but I did sell the idea which is where the rejection had happened earlier. I could over come.

What are the obstacles, hindrances or situations that are holding you back from reaching the success that you desire?

    β€’ Have you been rejected? Re-work the proposal, the query or the manuscript after reading the magazine, publisher guidelines or critiques (over and over and over). If you believe in what you are doing then keep doing it, tweaking and perfecting along the way. Steven King, John Grisham and even Dr. Seuss all received multiple rejections but refused to give up on their dreams and purposes in writing.

    β€’ Is time getting away? It is so easy to get too busy to do the things that allow for purpose and passion. The static of activity clouds the brain and it is hard to remember what should be done or what needed to be done. Work out a schedule that allows for time away from the chaos, put it on the calendar, and then work it into the family plan. It may also be time to stop doing many of the things that are hindering your path to writing success.

    β€’ Are the finances an issue? The economy is rough right now and few people are doing anything without thinking about the money. Tax time is a great time to set aside some funds that can help lift you up as you step out in the new writing endeavor. Keep in mind that what ever you are pursuing, you will need around three to six months of household payments to help secure that pursuit.

    β€’ Does fear block the door to writing success? It can be hard overcoming the concern of what other people think, the what ifs that surround new goals and dreams and so much more. Just two days ago, I watched someone eavesdropping on my conversation about being a writer. The contempt that came over the face was unmistakable. It did change some as I listed the projects I was working on, but what if I had been just starting out? Fear is simply False Evidence Appearing Real. The world will not end if you get rejected or ridiculed. Have a first aid kit of some positive articles, letters, or even your first published piece (chocolate can also administer quicker recovery) for just such occasions.

There is nothing to keep you from your success if you have passion for your purpose and if you continue to push through until you reach your goal. Make today the day that you determine that the noise of the world will not stop you from becoming the successful freelance writer that you are striving to become.

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  • Hi Kathryn –

    One thing I found discouraging was finding time to write. Somehow, I got the idea if I didn’t write for hours on end, it didn’t count.

    This week, I started writing for a half hour to an hour. I’m not working on the book every day, but I’ve got to get moving. I do journal on a daily basis with occasional lapses.

    I was thinking about the device they use to jumpstart a heart that stops beating. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had such a machine for writers?

    Susan πŸ™‚

  • Hey Susan – time management IS rough. There are days when writing is not even an option. Just yesterday I sat down to write (but the boys were already up and going) and I couldn’t put two thoughts together. I abandoned the writing and started researching and making notes instead.

    I defibrillator for writers? Hmmmm I believe many of us call it coffee. ;))