Crossing from the World of Ordinary to the Dream Land of Possibility
I believe in a world of rainbows, lollipops, and possibilities. People make fun of my sunny disposition. Some mock me. Others scorn my hope tinted vision. “You live in a dreamland.” They chide me.
I use to argue that I lived in realty. I just saw the better reality. Two things have happened that have stopped my defense. First, I have learned that you will never argue bitter into sweet. Second, I have started understanding the real Truth – I do live in a dreamland.
I live outside the ordinary. I live beyond the expected. I dwell in a realm of incredible, overflowing possibilities. My land flows with positive things. The world only dreams of such a place.
There are days when the “normal” of the world will come crashing into my dreamland. It turns the sky dark and whips around a wind with a bitter chill. I have to make a determined choice to set my mind on the hope and turn my focus to the possibilities if I want to kick the normal of the world out of my dreamland.
Moving from Ordinary to the Dream
– Take time each day to write out praises and thanksgivings for the big things and for the little things . . . and while you are at it add in all the things in between. Writing out the praises and thanksgivings gives you a moment to contemplate them. Sharing the light of your day drives out the darkness that may be trying to sneak in.
Sharing the light from your day drives out the darkness that may be trying to sneak in Share on X
– Choose to feed your mind with positive things. The airwaves and internet are FULL of entertainment. Few feed the good wolf, and anything not providing fuel to the positive is (by default) fueling the negative. Isaiah warns us to not be the kind that views blood. I know in my personal viewing habits that idea eliminates a LOT of what had been ordinary and customary. Choose words of hope and inspiration. Listen to praise and worship. Watch the positive and the hope. What you put into your eyes and your ears fills your mind, takes root in your heart, and eventually drives your direction.
– Look for others that present a positive mindset and live in their own dreamlands. You begin reflecting the attitudes and behaviors of the people you are around. Choose better – not bitter – for growing up a life of possibilities.
– Speak the positive things for your life, in your life, and all around you. Words have power. They possess within the gift of life or death. What are your words giving? Words reflect the heart. The things that you speak reflect the health of your heart. Words provide direction. Words will set the path for your steps. Use words to turn a stormy day into a rainbow hung. Wield words that change darkness into the breaking dawn.
– Smile. The simple act of a smile lifts up the countenance and lightens the whole face. Smiles are also contagious and will spread to those that they encounter. Smiling more will create a path to that dreamland of hope and possibility.
– Let it go. Dreamland overflows with space and time because the clutter has been released. Clear out your schedule so that you make room for the better and the best that has been designed just for you. Give away (or throw away) the excess things crowding the closets, the shelves, the drawers, and all the spaces. Create room for the blessings by letting go of the clutter.
I do live in a dreamland because I live in a place where my dreams are coming true in my life. Find your way beyond the world of or normal and ordinary. Breakthrough to your own dream world. Begin practicing the habits of hope so that you can cross over into the realm of possibilities.
Be blessed,
Great words!!! Thank you for the reminder to stay positive 🙂 I needed this today.
Thank you for visiting Cameron – and for challenging me in my journey as well!