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  1. Sometimes I think the Contemporary Churchgoer is missing out on something with all the flash and dazzle. It is a way to visit God ‘on the fly’ in this busy world of ours. I don’t mean this in a derogatory way. I just mean that you must invest something in the service to recieve something out of it. God requires activity from his followers. He requires forward motion to keep us from stagnating. I don’t believe that God is NOT in contemporary services, so don’t misunderstand me. I just prefer my church experience without the flash and dazzle. Maybe it was my upbringing.

    1. Hey there Steve – God is every where and He speaks to anyone willing to hear – which means the traditionalists, contemporaries and others do not have a corner on the market of God. You are right that church is more about giving than about getting – but isn’t that the basic element of all God’s callings?

  2. I linked here from “At the Well.” This is an excellent post. Churches put too much emphasis on some of the external things and not enough on the heart. I am a minister and must remind myself before a service, “This is about thanksgiving for all you have done. Thank you Father.” That helps is the singing is slower, the mood is a bit down. The excitement isn’t what makes a service real worship; it is the spirit in the heart. Thanks.


    1. Hey Warren – I use to love the structure of the traditional services that I attended as a child but that was because of the reference afforded the situation more than the actually service. I think of church as an opportunity to step behind the veil for a moment so it’s not the time I am looking for fellowship.

      I also enjoy the music of the contemporary service but was just struck by the “play” aspect this last week.

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