Staying the Course for Writing Success
I shared my plans about the classes my sons were taking in the next few months. One has a competitive drama group and the other will probably do art or music.
“So you want them to stay broke!”
I understood what the man was trying to say. There are certain professions the world has deemed destined for an empty wallet. The arts generally top the list. I see it from a different perspective, and I told him just that. My purpose has to sprout from passion and that will drive me to success.
Every few months I begin to fret about the amount of money coming in from my writing. The concern for the money pushes me to begin to follow some new promise land for online writing income. I push and struggle to make the promise a reality and then find myself back at my starting point remembering the purpose behind my writing.
The moment I begin to push forward down MY unique path the opportunities open up once again. This morning my correction started with a writer discussing Saucy Balls from Americas Next Great Restaurant. Her point was simple: Just do it – do those things that you know you are supposed to do and do them with a boldness that will not be deterred by the negatives of the world around you.
There will always be someone that will tell me that the arts will leave you broke – but inspirations exist like Amanda Hocking. This lady writes like the wind – writes to entertain and delight her readers. The results of her determination to share her stories speak for themselves. I am sure that was a moment or two where she thought about making money as a writer. But I would also guess that she had such a desire to share her stories that she found a way to make it happen – and the money followed.
Staying the Course on a Writing Career
1. Know why you write – money should never be the foundation for what you do. Dig down deeper and unlock the purpose behind your passion for words and let that lead you on to your success.
2. Determine to write – one of the complaints against Ms. Hocking is the speed at which she can produce a book. It has to be a lie because NO ONE can write like that. I figured it up one day – 1200 words an hour (that is actually slow typing when you think about it) at 8 hours a day. It should be possible to crank out a full novel in 10 weeks and a YA novel in less time. Even those of us with full-time jobs and families have some hours to give each day IF writing becomes a priority.
3. Create a plan – work towards the writing career that you desire until you reach the level of success that you have marked. Only then should rethink your path and rearrange according to your writing. In other words, keep doing what you are doing until you can do what you want to do.
Becoming a successful freelance writer, a well-paid novelist or any other artistic label can be your reality. Put in the time, effort and determination to give life to your dream and you will see that dream take flight!