The Write Purpose

Each person has been created for a purpose. The trick is uncovering that purpose. I tell others (and try to follow myself) that if you will discover your true passion it will lead to your purpose.

Writing is my gift but sharing good, positive and uplifting thoughts that will encourage others and help others encourage even more people is where my passion lies. My nature cries out for positive influences and excitement grows when I have the opportunity to share.

The last couple of years have been spent building up a freelance writing career that has consisted mainly of ghost writing opportunities. Few, if any, of my articles have been around my passion. These different gigs have provided me with research knowledge, writing skills and internet experience that I probably would not have gotten any other way. But I am beginning to question if my focus is off.

All about the Money

My husband asked me how writing about dentists fulfilled my purpose and pursued my passion. It made me start thinking and sometimes that can be a dangerous journey. The truth is that I write the dentist content and other types of content for the paycheck. We all have to make a living after all. But if I pursued my own passion by writing for my blogs and my eBooks and creating manuscripts for magazines and developing proposals for books then maybe the income would follow the passion.

Income Follows Passion

I know in my heart that it is true. When I put my heart in to doing what I know to do and I am consistent in my doing then the results show up. My focus has been on the dollar sign. It is time to make the words the focus instead.

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  • Kathryn,
    I’m new to writing however I’ve had 8 articles published in regional parenting pubs. However, being a mama of 5, homeschooling last 3, I am beginning to see that my passion currently is encouraging relationships: families, marriages, kids, etc. I daily peruse FWJ, About Freelancing, etc but I don’t have the passion to write about other subjects. It just keeps coming back to family.

  • Hi Kathryn,
    I too am on the writing train to supplement our income. That’s not how it started out however. I started writing for a purpose; the purpose of translating homeschool curriculum, the purpose of educating others on raising children with learning challenges, the purpose of…everything but what it turned out being.

    You’re post has me thinking. Maybe if I went back to the original purpose, everything would fall into place the way it’s supposed to. Instead of the way I’m trying to force it to. The whole square peg in a round hole scenario comes to mind…along with several Bible passages mentioning doing God’s will instead of my own…

    • I can relate on many levels. You are just one more confirmation that I have to do what I know to do and not what I THINK I need to do if I want to get to the place where I know I am suppose to be.