Thoughts FOR Mom after Mother’s Day
Today is a great day for mothers to step up and reach out. The cards, notes, gifts or other special attention can give you the boost to become a better mom, a better wife and a better all around you.
1. Be the kind of mother that daddy loves. Give him grace and kindness and fill his days with peace.
2. Be the kind of mother that loves daddy. Romance him, court him and woo him like you did from in the beginning of your relationship.
3. Be a mother that is under control. Determine to keep things from getting under your skin by finding an inner peace.
4. Be a mother that speaks softly. When tones rise refuse to bite back.
5. Be a mother that spends time in prayer. It is impossible to think negative thoughts about those that you are lifting in prayer.
6. Be a mother that worships with your family. Go to church together; listen, sing and dance to praise music. Lift up God in fun and unique ways.
7. Be a mother that sees answered prayers in her children and in her family. See all of the joy and benefits that these special people bring to your life.
Become a mother whose children and husband lift her up at the city gates and praise her.