Weekly Devotional and Scripture Challenge – March 26 2017
The Lord is a Sun and a Shield. The Lord WILL GIVE Grace and Glory. No good thing will He withhold . . . from those who walk uprightly (and follow His Way)” from Psalm 84:14
God desires for me to live a life of blessing – overflowing, abundant blessings – so that I am in a position to be a “light on the side of the hill” and the “salt” that flavors the world.
I believe that God wants me to be blessed – not so that I can have it all but so that I am in a position to help all.
I know that God wants me to be blessed – because He has put His blessings in His Word for me to live out and walk out. “I have set before you blessings and curses – life and death – choose life so that you and your family will be blessed.”
The only catch to living a blessed life is the Way I walk.
I always think of Elijah when I think of following God’s Way of blessings. God told Elijah just where to go to live in the blessings. Elijah could have stopped at any time in his journey. He could have made the choice that “this is far enough” or “over here offers easier access to the water.”
Maybe he would have gotten some of the blessings – being in the path the ravens were flying allowed a few crumbs to fall here and there. Maybe Elijah would have struggled to “make ends meet” where he was, all the while the blessings were overflowing where he was supposed to be. Maybe, just maybe, that in that place Elijah chose, he had to deal with more than a little of the bird droppings.
I don’t want to be surviving off the crumbs and dodging the bird droppings. I am determined to live in the blessings God has planned for me.
Choosing the Bend of the River
– Stop trying to make sense of it all. It will never make sense – at least not in the way the world views it. When in doubt, dig into the Word. The Word not only has the answer, but it holds the Peace.
– Stop telling everyone. Not everyone will support your decision or your direction (or your understanding). Even those you trust and admire my not have been given the revelation you have received. Practice “still and quiet” as the investment in the Word grows up discernment and discretion.
– Stop limiting the blessings. You never know how God is going to “send the ravens.” Just know that He will and be ever vigilant in looking out for the blessings He is sending and has sent.
– Stop stopping. Keep going until you get to the place He told you to go. Go back to the last place you know He sent you. Trust His directions because they are the only ones that get you to the blessings.
He has a plan. He has a Way. He does provide the blessings each and every time.
My part is to be where He tells me to be and to trust in His provision.
Weekly Challenge for Scripture Living
Review your notes from past Bible studies, journals, or classes. Look at the directions and revelations you have received. Make a list of the things you have been lead to do – and also what you have already done. How do these compare to where you are right now?
Recommended Reading – 1 Kings 17