Is Overwhelm Running the Show?
“You seem overwhelmed.”
Shocked, and a little taken aback, that’s how I felt when the man next to me mentioned that I looked overwhelmed. Me? Couldn’t be. Yes, I was juggling a full-time writing career, the homeschooling of three boys (plus all of the other requirements listed in the job description), and caring for aging parents, but overwhelmed, surely not!

I have always been a natural, glass actually completely full (because what isn’t liquid is air) kind of gal. And then a tornado fell on our house . . . with us in it . . . and it left our lives in disarray and my heart doing all it could to hold on to hope.
So you ever feel like life has crushed your hope?
“I have to focus,” I told the mirror as I tried to encourage myself to find a way to make it through. Even the #WhiteBoardofWorldDomination struggled to keep up with the constantly shifting tides. About the time I would fine my way, something else would happen and I’d have to adjust.
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I struggled to be encouraging for my family. I struggled to keep believing. I struggled to get it all together. I struggled some mornings just to get started.
Have you ever been there?
I had lost ME in the struggle. But as I started finding ME again, I began to discover my glass completely full mentality again. Once I found me again, I recaptured the flexibility that had allowed me to handle homeschooling three boys while building a full-time writing career.
In other words, finding my way was tied to finding me.
It’s time to know YOU.
I’m Kathryn Lang, and I am a dream ignitor and hopesmith. I help you turn chaos in to calm with focused flexibility so you can handle life’s storms without getting stuck in the muck.
- It’s Simple – because it’s all you.
- It’s Balanced – because it takes balance to go anywhere.
- It’s Enjoyable – because if you aren’t enjoying the journey it’s time to change rides.

Would it help to have less stress?
Less stress means more balance. More balance means more time. More time means more resources to do everything you desire to do.
- 47% of working moms report feeling overwhelmed and burned out trying to juggle it all. When you find your way, you won’t be one of them anymore.
- 61% of women experience high levels of stress and stress causes weight gain, premature aging, dry skin, and digestive issues. When you discover your way, you will let all of that go.
- 72% of women report feeling lonely or isolated for at least part of their day. When you learn your authentic self, you foster stronger relationships built on mutual trust.
Let’s Kick Overwhelm to the Curb
Your peace sets the foundation for the life you deserve to live. You were made to thrive – not to survive with breathless and exasperated moment-by-moment struggles. NOW is the time to find the peace and kick overwhelm to the curb.
You deserve to live your best life. Let’s share a coffee and chat about what that means to you.
And before you go, be sure to check out some of the other posts below. My commitment to you is to keep being authentic in my sharing of words and engaged with you in the comments.

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