7 Tips and Not-So Secrets for Growing Relationships

7 Tips and Not-So Secrets for Growing Relationships

You create success when you invest in growing relationships. It’s a simple focus, but vital for pursuing your BIG DREAMS. Relationships set the foundation for doing what you want to do and for standing strong in the storms. When all is said and done, it sits on a foundation of relationships. Keep it simple and…

Word Wednesday
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How to Find True Family Beyond the Walls of Little “c”

The heart of church lies in the relationships that are built up and grown up by hearts and in hearts. It moves beyond the walls of a building or even the dictations of a denomination. True Family happens when hearts connect. You have to know your own place and purpose if you are going to…

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Social Media Use May Cause Increased Depression

The experts released a study declaring a link between the use of social media and a decrease in well-being. Using too much social media can be detrimental to your health. Stop using social media. They have a lot of opinions about a lot of things. It shouldn’t be a surprise they have an opinion about…

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Reach Out to Help Others through Content Sharing

Help others. The one directive makes way for more opportunity in life. The one directive creates a smoother journey for self. The one directive builds a ladder for personal growth. Content sharing is not new. It helps others get more traction to their websites – with the benefit of helping those that are sharing bring…

Relationships - 1

All About Relationships

It’s all about relationships so I invested my weekend in making connections and growing some existing connections into fledgling relationships. I take that back. I invested part of my weekend in doing those things and the rest of my weekend was offered up to Netflix. So I did okay with my weekend investments, but I…