Life Tips and Ideas
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Exposing the Truth about the Myths for Writers

I stood in front of the group to share the importance of building relationships for creating a successful writing career. The lady introducing me explained that she brought me to speak because writers are notorious loners, hidden away in our writing dungeons. I didn’t laugh. I barely broke a smile. That one action alone should…

The Son Who Chased a Dream – a Short Story by Kathryn C Lang
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The Son Who Chased a Dream – a Short Story by Kathryn C Lang

The Son that Chased a Dream A Short Story by Kathryn C. Lang The young man watched as his older brother finished the daily chores. He groaned. David always finished first and he was left to work alone. Despite his efforts, his smaller size and weaker upper body meant that David could finish first. “Ha!”…

I Quit Selling My Books – An Author Shares Her Secrets for Non-Marketing
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I Quit Selling My Books – An Author Shares Her Secrets for Non-Marketing

I quit trying to sell my books yesterday. I discovered that even with all of my efforts, my books sold no more than those times when I made no effort – so why bother. But this “quit selling” does not mean what you think it means – that is my nod to the “Princess Bride.”…