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  1. Kathryn, what a great post! I love to be by the water. So soothing. It is so important to have a listening ear. I wrote this in my book…

    The Still Small Voice has no destination if there is no listening ear! If we do not listen, scripture says, “God has no use for the prayers of the people who won’t listen to Him.” Do you blame Him? He says, “Oh, that My people would listen to Me.”
    It only costs us our time to listen but it costs us our quality of life not to listen!

    1. Hey Lynn, thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to share. I used to love sitting by the water as well – there is just something about the music of the moving water . . .
      But even though I live beside that creek in the picture, I think I’ve only spent one or two moments by the water in the last fifteen years. I forget what peace it brings – kind of like I forget what peace that still small voice brings.

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