Being Off Target

Being Off Target

The sooner you recognize you are off target, the quicker you can correct your course. #QuoteoftheDay The sooner you recognizeyou are off targetthe fewer arrowsyou will lose.– Kathryn Lang Hitting the target is simple. Aim for the target and shoot. If your aim is aligned with the target then you will hit it. Simple. As…


It Should Be SIMPLE

The things we do should be simple, but we invest a lot of time and energy making them complicated. We procrastinate to the point the little simple thing has compounded with more little simple things. Or we point fingers at others waiting for them to get something done so we feel like doing something. It…

How To Stop Being Complicated

How To Stop Being Complicated

Stop being complicated. The world will pour out rules and requirements that will make it complicated. Complicated requires extra resources – time, money, energy, focus, and even influence. #QuoteoftheDay It’s notthe expectation of resultsthat shoulddetermine my actions.– Kathryn Lang One of the toughest complications I’ve faced is business demands. Know Your Market But what if…