Defining My Success
I have said it. I have heard it and it is about time I figured out a way to live in it. “If you never define success for you then the world will define it and you will rarely be happy in it.”
I sit here pondering those words again. I need to determine the direction of my success.
Would money be enough to satisfy my desire for success? I would not be upset with my writing bringing in more money (and that has nothing to do with the positive reaction my husband would exhibit). I appreciate a nice income to pay the bills, open up new opportunities for me and my family and allow me to be a blessing to others that I encounter.
Money is not the end all for success for me. If it had been then I would have been satisfied when I found success as a content writer. Instead, I craved to see my name in print.
Would attention be enough to satisfy my desire for success? I want others to recognize my abilities – some days I think I NEED them to acknowledge the seed of talent in my heart. It feels good to have others notice what I am doing. I appreciate having others mention my accomplishments even before I can think to mention them.
Attention is not the end all for success in my life. I can live with others standing in the spotlight – sometimes I have been known to point that light in their directions. I hunger to be in a position to help others.
Would becoming known as an expert in my field be enough to satisfy my desire for success? The more I ponder on these words, the more I think I have reached my defining term.
Now I know the direction of my definition. I need to define the parameters. A wide definition will only allow the world the opportunity to come in and confuse my situation. I need more focus. I need to determine the scope of my success.
Would being recognized in my community be enough to satisfy my direction of success? I am already recognized by some as an encourager – thanks to the local newspaper column. I know I want to push past my immediate surroundings.
Would being recognized in my region be enough to satisfy my direction of success? I know that it would be a start. I also know that it would not fill the well. I have had some success in that area – thanks in a HUGE part to the relationships I have been fostering over the last year and a half. I know I want to push past even my state.
Would being recognized in my country be enough to satisfy my direction of success? I suspect I would always be looking for opportunities to push and expand, but I also think that I would be content in that accomplishment.
I know that my definition will never be the same as yours, and that is okay. I am not supposed to be like you. I am unique – you are unique – our paths might not even be comparable. Matching definitions is not necessary. I need to recognize and define my success, recognize the direction for that success and then mark out the parameter for that success if I am going to develop a plan to get me there.
Have you defined your success?