Quote of the Day – Destroying Ourselves – April 28 2017
Quote of the day for Friday, April 28, 2017
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln
It always works this way – the real damage happens from within.
I have watched my family stand up together against a bully and the organization that backed him. We encouraged and supported each other. We backed each other up. And then we came home and said worse things to each other than we dared to allow that bully get away with.
I have watched my community unite against disaster – with neighbor coming to the aid of neighbor even when there was still personal need at home. It was about doing for others and understanding that we were stronger together. The next day – or week – we were at each other’s throats over the name of a park.
I have watched my own live move forward with bold determination. I have stepped up and stepped out into my BIG DREAM goals. And then I looked in the mirror and told myself I was too fat, or too ugly, or just too late to the game to get it done.
We will always face attacks from without, but it is the attacks from within that will do the most damage.