Running Over My Joy – A Moment of HOPE – August 22 2014
”Someone ran over my joy.” I pointed to one of my garden signs as we drove down the driveway, but realized there was so much more to the words than I had just expressed.
Friday night offered a wonderful break with dinner at Cocina Superior with some amazing folks from around Alabama and around the states. I know there were still many details to tackle for my Saturday event, but I just enjoyed the time with the new friends and connections (and the service and food were OUT OF THIS WORLD great!).
One call home told me that my family might not be as calm and cool. I came home to a little mess (but not a complete disaster) but enough that I could have let it ruin my day.
Saturday opened up even more connections and more opportunities for new friends at WordCamp Birmingham. It all worked together to delight and entertain – from the open speaker to the walk to lunch to the closing remarks. I learned. I connected. I enjoyed.
One call home told me that my family might not be enjoying things as much as I was enjoying them. I contemplated going to the after-party – and postponing the inevitable experience of whatever had piled up on the little mess from the day before. I tried to make it to the after-party, but anyone that may have heard some of my “lost in Birmingham” escapades can probably guess what happened – but you would be wrong. I found the location. I just could not find parking. Instead of stressing out over the issue, I decided to face the home front.
Block Others from Running Over Joy
Sunday morning I woke to the tell-tale sign of a blurry spot floating in my eye – which usually means that within a couple of hours I will be curled in a ball in the dark fighting off a migraine. I told my family to go on to church without and implemented all of the home cures I could remember to combat the issue.
I had the blessing of teaching Sunday school for the Logos class that morning and I determined that nothing would make me miss out.
Actually, I determined all weekend that nothing would hold me back or push me down. I made it to the middle of the week with that same attitude and focus. And then something pushed me down (and I am certain was holding me underwater as well).
I saw the sign on the ground and I recognized from my words that I had let someone run over my joy. With that one recognition, all the difference was made.
Refuse to let others run over your joy.