Sometimes You Need the Praise

I am a writer. I’ve said the words myself and I’ve written the words myself, but today I heard them from someone else. It was an off-handed comment during our “Positive Moms” study at the local church. Part of our homework was to write out a job description. I handed mine to the group leader to look over and one girl said “well, you’re a writer. That’s not fair.”

Those words are still dancing around in my head. I’m starting to get recognition from unexpected places and it feels good. Even though we are Christians and we are supposed to be humble in all that we do, it still feels good to know that we are walking the right path. Hearing someone compliment the job that you are doing or acknowledging the fact that you are DOING that job can make the day seem bright (despite the tropical depression raining down around).

The truth is that my gift and passion for writing comes directly from God. I know that and I know that with out Him in my life there is no way that I could do what I do and still be sane. But I do what I do at home. Much of it is online and without a byline. And even though I have been published in some regional publications and even some national publications I still live in a small town that sees me as I was at twelve. And sometimes that makes it feel like I’m running uphill in sand.

But not today. Today I am a writer!

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