#GrowingHOPE Podcast - Monday

5 Practical Tips Help Develop Habits for Being Considerate

Be considerate to others and with others if you want to sow the seeds for growing relationships. I does not come before you – or it shouldn’t. When we focus on others and being relentlessly helpful to them and for them then we create our own success in the process. Listen to the #GrowingHOPE podcast….

Stay focused on the sun

How to Build Relationships by Revealing Random Facts

You build relationships when you invest in engagement. The more information we share the more we get to know each other. The more we know each other the stronger our connection can grow. The stronger the connection then the stronger the relationship – and it is ALL about relationships. Since it’s all about relationships you…


Stepping Out Beyond My Fears – Answering Questions about Myself on Video

“If you are afraid of doing something then that is probably the very place you need to step next.” I sat in on several chats during the Indierecon event last week, but this one statement stood out for me. I knew I needed to be taking more chances or stepping out beyond my comfort zone….