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  1. Kathryn,
    Those items seem so obvious when I read them, yet I have to ask myself, how often do I do them, without even thinking? Thanks for the reminder.
    May I add one of my own? – Complain about him to your family or friends.
    If you really look at the list, every last one of those behaviors stems from a lack of respect. The one thing a man needs from his wife (other than the obvious) is respect. So doesn’t it make sense that is the area the enemy tries to get us to neglect?
    I hope you are spreading your wisdom in this area far and wide for the sake of marriages everywhere!

    1. Hey Susanne,

      Thanks for stopping by – I confess the post was inspired by my actions (I did one of those). It is not because I do not respect my husband but there are times when I do not respect his actions. I just have to find a better way of expressing those moments. 😀

      Complaining to friends and family focuses on the negative, so I agree with that one completely. I try to talk it over with God and then I work hard to only say things that are good, positive and uplifting.

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