Understanding SEO, Blogging and Social Networks
Being a Proverbs 31 woman is tough enough without adding in modern technology. There are days when I think I finally have a grasp on things only to discover that I am completely clueless. Take this website for instance, I THOUGHT I was doing good – building my visitors, adding quality content and things of that nature – only to discover that good to an agent (cause I am a writer after all) is around 15,000 UNIQUE visitors per day.
Anyone struggling with the internet terms of SEO, Twitter, Facebook or other social networks may not be as overwhelmed by that number as I am. The ones that have figured out SEO and search engines and the magic key to pagerank are not overwhelmed because they know how to get there. I hang out here on the edge of the internet lunch room. I want to join the popular crowd but seem to be finding an empty table all my own.
Can you tell I am feeling just a little on the disgusted side?
My issue is simple. Ten days ago a friend mentioned a contest to write a “good mood” blog. I am all about the good, the positive and the uplifting so it seemed like the perfect fit. The first round is all about votes. It is up to each person trying to get the job to get the most votes. You have to be in the top twenty to make it to the next round.
The last several months I have concentrated on my “platform” or the number of people that I am connected with on a regular basis. It felt like a sound platform so I figured that I could jump in this contest with out too much worry about drowning.
The truth is that my votes are no where near the top twenty at this point. I have asked, begged and pleaded with my followers on twitter and facebook and have emailed every person I have ever known.
Finding a Silver Lining
I can only complain for so long before the silver lining reveals itself and I am back to the good, the positive and the uplifting. I would still love to have the job as a “good mood” blogger. The pay would be a blessing and I could use a new computer. BUT the experience that I am having by participating in the competition is something that I would have otherwise never experienced.
1. Never be afraid to ask for the sale. I am the daughter of a salesman and even paid part of my way through college selling knives and dance lessons. Selling is in my blood. I just never thought to sell my writing or my websites. It sounds silly, but for some reason promoting self seems wrong even when it is the self that makes the living. This contest has helped me overcome that fear to some degree.
2. My platform needs more work. I may have a few followers on Twitter and friends on Facebook but the numbers are not where they need to be if I want to be taken seriously by an agent or publisher. I have to dig in and put more effort into building my platform.
3. The results show up where the energy it put. The amount of time and effort that I spent at the beginning of the competition needs to be repeated in the efforts that I am making for building my websites and for expanding my writing and speaking career.
4. What others think can not matter. I was worried about telling others about the competition in the beginning. What if they did not support me? What if they also applied (and one fellow home school mom did just that)? No matter what others say or do I have to follow through on the steps I feel I need to take to expand my purpose and pursue my passion.
In the end every experience can be a beneficial experience. This “good mood” competition has shown me new ways to connect with others through forums, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites. I have learned that I have to continue to build my expertise through guest posts and my own content and also my page rank through SEO and links.
More good has come from this experience than bad no matter how many votes I end up with at the end of the month. I know more today than yesterday and that has me one step closer to my future.
I would appreciate your vote if you do not mind (each IP address can vote once a day) and if you could share the link it would help.
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