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  1. Kathryn, what a wonderful challenge. I’ll pray with you as I contemplate things that need to change in my own life. Your list looks a lot like mine would look.
    Be blessed!!


    1. Hey Kela – my biggest goal is consistency. I just need to do what I know to do and I will be where I need to be ;).

  2. Kathryn, I wish I lived down the street from you but because I can’t be there next door to absorb your motivation and join you in your quest, because boy oh boy can I relate to your 5 points, I’ll keep reading your blog posts, which are inspiring, and I’ll cheer you on! Go Girl!

    1. Thanks for the cheering Annette. There are days when knowing that my new friends are out there, rooting for me to make it, is the only thing that pushes me forward.

  3. Wow… that is hard hitting. I just caught wind of your 31-day challenge today (8/11) about 6 or 7 days after you started… and it looks good.

    Take no nonsense and make no excuses… and let this all be about you making a better Kathryn in your finances, health, and family.

    I never met you personally, but I can say I’m proud of ya girl… and rooting you on!

    1. It’s surprising how much the support of friends (even those online) can motivate you to push on. There has already been a time or two I have wanted to skip out on a couple of items on the list. Knowing that you and others are rooting for me has helped me keep it up. Thanks!

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