Feeding the Passion
Everyone is created with a passion – a heart to do something unique to that individual. It doesn’t matter what church you attend, what denomination you come from or what gender you are – you have passion.
The problem for many of us is that the God given passion is being crushed. Cares of this world (a fear of being hurt or ridiculed or a fear of what might happen) keeps us from stepping out into the passion that drives us to do and to be more. Instead we settle for a worldly replacement because passion will not be denied.
Addictions – to food, to television to alcohol – is an attempt to fill this passion. But the worldly substitutes leave us still wanting and empty and ultimately in a worse place than we began.
It’s time to quit settling and to reach for the passion of God. Step out into the thing that you truly want to do regardless of how peculiar, strange or weird the people around you think you are. If the church blocks your passion then you should just reach out to other avenues – even Jesus wasn’t accepted in His home town.
Become all that God has called you to be – reach for His passion and dare to live the life of hope and joy that He has called you to.