Be More Powerful Don’t Just Feel It
You can be more powerful in pursuit of your purpose and bolding walking down your path. It’s your choice. Take the actions to move beyond feeling more powerful into being more powerful.
I’ve said it before – probably today – that the only person that holds you back or pushes you forward looks back at you from the mirror every day. The only way you can move into your bold purpose is with powerful steps. The only way to take powerful steps it to go beyond just feeling it to doing it.
You can.
Will you?
Be More Powerful
Dare to step in unexpected ways. The best performances take something and add a unique twist – that’s how you get things named after you. Look at what has been done or what you have done and find new or unexpected ways to step.
Dare to step into scary places. Scary often appears when the unknown is just beyond. You can’t step into your possibilities without stepping into scary places because you can’t know where you haven’t been.
Dare to step into your dreams. Others will tell you it’s crazy to pursue dreams or dreams or for kids. They are just jealous that you are finding your way to learn to fly.
Dare to step a little. A little step will provide the momentum for the next step. Once you get going it will be easier to keep going (and a little harder to stop). Step a little.
Dare to step even you’d rather just think about it. There are many things we want, but we have to be willing to sacrifice to get the real wants. Something will have to give to get what you want.
Be more powerful by daring to be more of what you are uniquely designed to be. Take your steps. Keep on stepping. Find your way to go from dream and wanting to living it out.
You are only one step away from moving beyond feeling powerul to a place where you can be more powerful.
Be blessed,
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