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  1. I’ve made a little bit off of my blog–mostly from Pay Per Post, but I’ve slacked off of writing for them since I changed to my own URL. I think we may be a lot alike. I blog more for the joy of writing–and to improve my writing rather than to make money. If I make money, that’s an extra bonus.

  2. I think making money through blogs has been presented in an over simplified manner.

    blog + traffic= income.

    However, what these gurus fail to mention is that you have to have the right STRUCTURE set up in the beginning.

    For example, I have a client whose blog on Typepad was doing NOTHING, yet when we set up a word press blog (with the proper permalink structure and plug ins) we began seeing increased traffic to her blog almost immediately.

    Traffic is essential for creating income with a blog.

    The choice of topic is also essential. Tightly targeting a niche is essential to blogging success.

    Best of luck to you in finding your “groove” with your blog!

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