The Clarity of Focus
“I can see clearly now the rain has gone.” The opening line to one of my all-time favorite songs (and the inspiration for my own theme music) talks a little about the importance of clarity. I have been in one of those rains where you literally could not see your hand in front of your face – in real life and in those moments of life.
Focus – it makes all the difference in the world. I can drive in the rain if there is enough break in the rain for me to focus. I can continue on in my life if there is enough break in the chaos to see the next step.
On today’s program of Growing HOPE – we talked about the things Paul suggests in 1 Thessalonians 1 for finding our focus. I also shared a song by fellow Rocket City Blogger, Morgan Trotter – Under the Blood – that was a reminder of just how it all works. We ended the programing with the four tips I had four keeping the focus that would allow me to push on to success.[divider_line]
In the end, it all comes back around to focus. When I am willing to invest the resources – the time, the energy and even the finances when necessary – to keep my focus on God then through that focus I will see clearly.
Listen to the program. Download the bible study. Share your ideas and thoughts that spring up from both and also your own ideas for finding focus. I look forward to connecting with you on this journey.
Be blessed,