God Focused – Words of Encouragement to Go “All In”
God has a plan for my life.
I have read that statement. I have written that statement. I believe that statement. Too many days I do not ACT like what I believe.
I fall into the habits, the hurts, or the hang ups of the world or society (or the me that was). I settle into a pattern of complaint or compliance – both can be equally dangerous. I quit pushing or quit trying or maybe I try just enough to look like I am doing something but not so much that it takes away from the selfish desires I prefer to fulfill.
Yesterday, I was challenged (once again, because apparently I need to hear it more than once) to go “all in” with God. He pointed to the parable that Jesus shared about the man finding treasure in the field. That man sold everything to gain the treasure – he went “all in” for God.
[tweetthis]Going all in will never be accomplished with half-efforts – commit without questions or hesitation[/tweetthis]
I have only gone “all in” once in my life – and I have been married to that man since 1993. Even before I said my vows, I knew that I was done. I committed completely to him – without questions or hesitation.
The married life has not been all rainbows and lollipops. I have shed tears. I have yelled. I have thrown things (although not at him). That initial commitment of “all in” held it all together. Even when I wanted to quit, that commitment held me in place. It was finished the moment I said “I do.”
Ouch – writing those words makes me realize that I have never committed to God with the same surety that I did my earthly husband. I have come up to the edge. I have given the appearance of commitment, but I have not gone “all in” without question or hesitation.
Getting to my desired goal requires consistent and determined actions not half efforts. The words that were shared with me yesterday where a reminder for my journey but they will not change my journey. I have to make the choice to invest – to jump “all in” – and to quit playing around with half efforts.
Going All In to become God Focused
– Stop wasting the time He has given me. I understand the need for a break, but God will ALWAYS provide for rest when I am focused on Him.
– Start now. Do one thing right now that falls under the “all in” category. Be a better steward with time, resources, and finances.
– Get over it. Nothing in this world is perfect nor is it supposed to be. Going “all in” with God requires faith vision that sees more than what this world has to offer.
– Move beyond comparisons. What he is doing and what she is doing should never direct what I am doing. My journey is up to me and only me.
The only way I will get to where I know I am supposed to be is if I take that leap of faith that lands me “all in” with God.
Be blessed,