Make it Work Challenge
The last 90 Days stirred my boldness in a way that might be considered dangerous. I have known all along that I can do it, but I have broken through some of the barriers that have been holding me back – most of which I had no idea were there.
Once I began to break through, I also began to recognize that I have more than enough to do what I am called to do – but that I have to make the choice to use my more than enough.
Over the next 30 days, I will be posting my Make It Work Moments and I challenge you to share a comment with your own make it work moment in the thread.
I know that for all those that find ways to make it work, there will be prizes – and for those that get folks to join in the challenge, there will be prizes. I have been saving up prizes to celebrate my 10 Year Anniversary with the Kathryn Lang website but I have decided to Make it Work now instead.
I am worth it – and so are you!
Make It Work Moment – Day One
Today is the kickoff of Labor Day weekend AND football season, and our local Foodland Plus grocery store is smoking Boston Butts. I purchased some to eat for lunch (so I wouldn’t have to make lunch and so we would have some leftovers for the weekend) but I also purchased extra buns so I can pull the meat and make sandwiches to freeze. And to make it work even better for our needs, I used a coupon that the Foodland Plus sends out every week – so my $30 purchase was only $25.
I made it work for convenience AND I made it work for value.
How are you Making it work?