No More Worry
Worrying has never been an issue for me. Most optimists can zip past worry without a scratch. I personally have always held on to Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” It might not be the biblical example of “don’t worry – be happy” but it is definitely a call not to worry.
I have bird feeders up on my back deck. In all of the years that I’ve watched the birds eating out there I have yet to see one with it’s head in its wings wondering about how it would eat tomorrow. It just eats – goes about doing what it is suppose to do – and then wakes up tomorrow and does it all again.
That’s where I struggle. I may not worry about things, but I struggle with my trust that GOD is doing them the way I want them to be done. Life seems so much easier when I am in control – even though I know that it’s just a delusion of mine.
I do pretty well for a couple of weeks (or a couple of days) following God’s will and then I get back to thinking my way is the better way. The results are never as good, as easy or as peaceful but I still seem determined to do it my way.
It’s time that I learned how to step into the Will of God and then stay there!
How to Avoid Worry in My Life
1. Study the Word – the internet is great for this (although I do love my Strong’s Concordance) because it gives me the ability to look up words in almost any translation of the Word that has ever been written. I am determined to write out all of the scriptures that relate to each situation that I encounter.
2. Talk to God – this is not just about prayer time but is about genuine talking with God. I did this a lot when I was younger – usually down by the lake where I could listen to the waves roll in against the shore. I live along a creek now and I don’t think I have spent one minute along side that creek talking with God.
3. Read the Word – doing a word study or situation study is great, but just reading the Word is just as important. I have to have intimate knowledge of the characters, the stories and especially the Author.
It is important to live a live where I don’t worry because worry is a sin. It is just as important that I quit trying to fix everything myself and trust God’s way, His timing and His plan.
Love this post! It really reminded me to not worry so much in life. God has all the answers and will provide.