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  1. Hi Kathryn –

    Time management is a horror for me. I’m running a small business, holding down a part-time job, and dealing with a house that needs a ton of work. Add church, writing, devotional time, basic needs like laundry and food, and I’m beyond maxed out. I don’t know how people with kids manage.

    There’s no place I can cut back. In fact, I’m hoping to go full-time at my job in a few months. The only place I have any wiggle room is the time I spend online.

    Any suggestions on how to get a handle on this endless to-do list?

    Susan 🙂

  2. Hey Susan,

    The only thing I can tell you is to make a budget for your time just like you do for your money. Write down how you are currently spending every hour of each day. Then decide if you can cut something, delegate it to someone else, or if there is a better way to spend your time (or one that you would prefer).

    I’m working on a post right now that will hopefully give you more tips and suggestions.


  3. Hi Kathryn –

    Wow, writing down what I do during the day is better than a task list. I could ignore the task list, but writing down what I’ve accomplished is holding me accountable.

    Even though I slept a bit later yesterday than usual, I got tons of work done – including 3 hours of writing and ripping down half of the wallpaper in the back bedroom. In addition, I did all my normal Saturday errands and chores.

    Two days does not change everything, but it’s a start. Most of today was spent at church, blog writing, and online. Let’s see how the rest of the week goes.

    Susan 🙂

  4. Hey Susan,

    I’m so glad it’s going well for you. Things have been better for me too. I’m actually writing more fiction now, blogging more consistently and still getting my work done. Keep up the good work! And keep me up to date with your progress.


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