Consistency Challenge – Day Five or How I am Growing Hope
I woke up this morning and refused to get out of bed. That has not happened in several weeks. I participated in the Southern Women’s Show in October and each morning I had to be up by 5:00 am. I determined that if I could do it for four days in a row then I could do it every day.
So I got up and I got moving every single day.
Until today.
Today, I tried, but my heart, my mind and especially my body were not in to it.
I only got up when I did because my seven-year-old son got up – and NOBODY needs to leave a seven-year-old boy roaming the house unsupervised. Nothing good can come of that.
One of the first things I encountered was a Twitter post that reminded me the only thing standing in my way was ME. I thanked Chris Brogan for sharing the words of inspiration and then I proceeded to write a post about the inspiration. While sharing his inspiration with others, I found my own inspiration growing.
Suddenly, I was ready to take on anything that might come my way.
Which leads me to Day Five of this Consistency Challenge that I am enjoying with the folks from See Jane Write Magazine. Today, I am sharing hope.
Top Reasons Hope Matters
1. It has been said that where there is a will, there is a way. Hope makes that will possible. Without hope, there is no will – to get up, to get going or to continue.
2. Discouragement breeds discouragement. It piles up on top of itself until it buries the person under its weight. Hope knocks it down. Hope backs it up. Hope defeats discouragement every time.
3. The only day I have is today. I can do more if I am standing on the foundation of hope. Everything else tends to slip under my feet like sand. Hope makes it possible to keep moving forward. It provides the traction to do what I need to do today so that all things become possible tomorrow.
4. Frustration, discouragement and despair all tie me down. They wrap me up in chains that can make it difficult to breathe. Hope breaks the chains and frees the captive. In hope, I see the possibilities.
That is what I do. I grow hope. One person at a time, one story at a time, one experience at a time – I share words that allow hope to grow in me, and through me in the hearts of those that I encounter.
What do you do? What do you want to do?
Start with hope, build on that with dreams, build on that with plans to reach those dreams and then go.