Consistency Challenge – Day Four or Sharing Inspiration with #Bloglikecrazy
You are unique in all the world. I share this idea all the time. The idea drives what I do, how I see the world and my hope for tomorrow. I know from this one phrase that I can learn from others, but only I can direct my steps. I can be coached by those who have gone before, but only I will be able to plot my course. That means that I can encourage and support you, but I will never be in a position to tell you how you should do it.
We are unique no matter how much our lives parallel.
The concept of uniqueness is not new to me. I have never been normal, which is to say that I have never followed then normal and expected path. I rode my horse to school in middle school. I went to high school without makeup or concern for fashion. I sometimes did the unexpected simply because it was unexpected.
I discovered the Little Prince when I was in high school. Reading his story helped me understand even more just how unique I am. If you have never read “The Little Prince,” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, then it is about time you meet the Little Prince.
I have shared the top lessons I learned from the Little Prince many times – in my Reflections column and books and on this Practical Proverbs site also. I wrote how the Little Prince impacted my life and how I shared his words with others and how they impacted more lives in Place in Purpose (my newest non-fiction book).
Today I am sharing why it is my favorite book and how meeting the Little Prince can inspire you in your writing.
Top Reasons the Little Prince Makes My Favorite List
1. The Little Prince is one of the bravest people I have ever encountered. He took off to worlds he did not understand so that he could learn. He stepped out to meet new people and experience new situations. He dared to love.
2. The Little Prince kept things simple. The worlds he encountered had many complex ideas and moments, but he kept it simple. Simple is good.
3. The Little Prince offers advice that can overcome niches, industries and time. Because the ideas are simple, they continue.
4. The Little Prince never had a need to change others. He recognized that each of us will be in a different place in our journey. We have to accept each other in that place if we are going to continue on our own journey.
5. The Little Prince never gets old. The words continue to grow and inspire over the decades.
I have a physical copy of “The Little Prince” that was given to my dad when he was in college. I also purchases the Kindle version so that I can carry the Little Prince around me where ever I go. It is one of my favorite books because just thinking of the Little Prince brings a smile to my face and warmth to my heart.
Do you have a hope igniter that you carry around with you? Share your inspirations with me, I would love to hear them.
Le Petit Prince! I love this book! I read the French language version of it when I studied French in high school. It still holds a special place in my heart.
The Price holds a special place in heart as well. If I had my say, I would have placed a quote from the Prince on my mom’s gravestone . . . but it is enough for me that I have one more star in my night sky that laughs. 🙂
Thanks for visiting Javacia!